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Keeping it real...

By Millie Ansell
Posted:15/07/2024 12:23:33
A guide to making lessons stick!
A guide to making lessons stick!

Keeping it Real: A Guide to Making Lessons Stick!

Let's chat about keeping it real in the classroom because who said learning can't be a wild adventure? For all you amazing teachers guiding 11-16 year-olds in UK schools, here's the lowdown on connecting the dots between what happens in the classroom and the real world beyond those walls.

Connect Classroom Learning to Real-World Situations:

Maths in the Real World: Ever had a pupil ask, "When will I ever use this in real life?" We've got you covered! Show them how algebra helps calculate discounts during a sale, or how geometry is like playing real-life Minecraft when designing a room layout. Maths is everywhere!

Guest Speakers: Break the monotony by inviting guest speakers from different fields. Let your students pick the brains of professionals who use what they're learning every day. It's like bringing a slice of the real world straight into the classroom.


Subjects Beyond the Classroom:

English Lit and Life Skills: English isn't just about reading dusty old books. It's about honing communication skills that are gold in the real world. Let them know that acing literature means acing life!

Science Everywhere: Science isn't confined to the lab coat-wearing scientists. It's in the kitchen when you're cooking, in the garden when you're planting, and even in the weather forecast on the news. Show them the science in their daily lives!

History's Impact Today: History isn't just about dates; it's about the crazy chain of events that led us to now. Discuss how historical decisions echo in today's headlines. Suddenly, history becomes a time-traveling adventure!

Let's make learning an experience, not just a lesson. Connect those dots between textbooks and the real world. When students see the relevance of what they're learning, it's not just education; it's empowerment for whatever life throws at them! 🚀✨

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